Quick update before a new post

Yikes; it’s been so long since I updated this that even the site generator I was using seems to have disappeared! I hit a busy phase with work, and wasn’t able to fully finish the spherical harmonics stuff. I probably got through most of the math stuff; but I never quite finished some of the applications and tricks you can do with the technique. It’s a pity, perhaps, because that would have been the fun stuff :)

I think that feeling like I had to pick that series up again after an abscence probably kept me away. But, anyway, I had some fun things I wanted to share, so seems like now is as good a time as any.

I’ve had more time to focus on XLE lately – I’ll talk about where that’s going and goals with that project, etc, later. But for now, hit the “next page” button for an interesting implementation I’ve been looking at lately.