Area Lights with Physically Based Rendering

XLE now support a few area light types: sphere, tube & rectangle (with disc and maybe some other shapes coming soon). Maybe in a future post I’ll go into some details about the implementation (actually, it’s quite interesting!). But this post is about something different: this post is about why they are important. I’m finding that it makes a huge difference. So much so that not only do we want to support area lights – we also want to outlaw non-area lights.

First post

This blog will contain some day-to-day information about XLE. Let’s start with some screenshots, rendered with XLE: The Captain character from Archeage (US site). One of the (many) costumes from Archeage. A skeleton enemy from Archeage. A military spacecraft. The “Gweonid” character from Archeage. A metal golem character from Archeage. One of the costumes from Archeage, and “Nyra” character. Nyra model comes from Paul Tosca.