Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
► Assets | |
ArchiveCache.h | |
Assets.h | |
AssetsCore.h | |
AssetServices.h | |
AssetSetManager.h | |
AssetUtils.h | |
AsyncLoadOperation.h | |
BlockSerializer.h | |
ChunkFile.h | |
ChunkFileAsset.h | |
CompileAndAsyncManager.h | |
CompilerHelper.h | |
ConfigFileContainer.h | |
DivergentAsset.h | |
IntermediateAssets.h | |
InvalidAssetManager.h | |
► BufferUploads | |
BufferUploads_Manager.h | |
DataPacket.h | |
Documentation.h | |
IBufferUploads.h | |
IBufferUploads_Forward.h | |
MemoryManagement.h | |
Metrics.h | |
PlatformInterface.h | |
ResourceLocator.h | |
ResourceSource.h | |
ThreadContext.h | |
► ColladaConversion | |
► OpenCollada | |
OCInterface.h | |
OCMisc.h | |
ColladaConversion.h | |
ConversionCore.h | |
ConversionUtil.h | |
DLLInterface.h | |
GeometryAlgorithm.h | |
NascentAnimController.h | |
NascentCommandStream.h | |
NascentMaterial.h | |
NascentModel.h | |
NascentRawGeometry.h | |
SAnimation.h | |
Scaffold.h | |
ScaffoldDataFlow.h | |
ScaffoldParsingUtil.h | |
SCommandStream.h | |
SEffect.h | |
SkeletonRegistry.h | |
SRawGeometry.h | |
STransformationMachine.h | |
TableOfObjects.h | |
► ConsoleRig | |
AttachableInternal.h | |
AttachableLibrary.h | |
Console.h | |
GlobalServices.h | |
IncludeLUA.h | |
IProgress.h | |
Log.h | |
LogStartup.h | |
OutputStream.h | |
► Core | |
► WinAPI | |
IncludeWindows.h | |
Documentation.h | |
Exceptions.h | |
Prefix.h | |
SelectConfiguration.h | |
Types.h | |
► Math | |
EigenVector.h | |
Geometry.h | |
Interpolation.h | |
Math.h | |
Matrix.h | |
Noise.h | |
PoissonSolver.h | |
PoissonSolverDetail.h | |
ProjectionMath.h | |
Quaternion.h | |
RectanglePacking.h | |
RegularNumberField.h | |
Transformations.h | |
Vector.h | |
► PlatformRig | |
► Android | |
android_native_app_glue.h | |
► DebuggingDisplays | |
BufferUploadDisplay.h | |
ConsoleDisplay.h | |
CPUProfileDisplay.h | |
DynamicImpostersDisplay.h | |
GPUProfileDisplay.h | |
PlacementsDisplay.h | |
TestDisplays.h | |
AllocationProfiler.h | |
BasicSceneParser.h | |
CameraManager.h | |
FrameRig.h | |
InputTranslator.h | |
MainInputHandler.h | |
MeshNode.h | |
OverlappedWindow.h | |
OverlaySystem.h | |
PlatformRigUtil.h | |
Screenshot.h | |
StatePropagation.h | |
UnitCamera.h | |
► RenderCore | |
► Assets | |
AnimationScaffoldInternal.h | |
AssetUtils.h | |
ColladaCompilerInterface.h | |
CompilationThread.h | |
DeferredShaderResource.h | |
DelayedDrawCall.h | |
IModelFormat.h | |
LocalCompiledShaderSource.h | |
Material.h | |
MaterialCompiler.h | |
MeshDatabase.h | |
ModelCache.h | |
ModelFormatPlugins.h | |
ModelImmutableData.h | |
ModelRendererInternal.h | |
ModelRunTime.h | |
ModelScaffoldInternal.h | |
ModelUtils.h | |
NascentTransformationMachine.h | |
RawAnimationCurve.h | |
Services.h | |
SharedStateSet.h | |
SkeletonScaffoldInternal.h | |
TransformationCommands.h | |
► DX11 | |
► Metal | |
Buffer.h | |
DeviceContext.h | |
DeviceContextImpl.h | |
Documentation.h | |
DX11.h | |
DX11Utils.h | |
Format.h | |
Forward.h | |
GPUProfiler.h | |
IncludeDX11.h | |
InputLayout.h | |
RenderTargetView.h | |
Resource.h | |
Shader.h | |
ShaderResource.h | |
State.h | |
Types.h | |
Device.h | |
IDeviceDX11.h | |
► Metal | |
► Detail | |
DXGICompatibleFormats.h | |
Buffer.h | |
DeviceContext.h | |
DeviceContextImpl.h | |
Format.h | |
Forward.h | |
GPUProfiler.h | |
InputLayout.h | |
Metal.h | |
RenderTargetView.h | |
Resource.h | |
Shader.h | |
ShaderResource.h | |
State.h | |
Types.h | |
► Techniques | |
CommonBindings.h | |
CommonResources.h | |
CompiledRenderStateSet.h | |
ParsingContext.h | |
PredefinedCBLayout.h | |
RenderStateResolver.h | |
ResourceBox.h | |
TechniqueMaterial.h | |
Techniques.h | |
TechniqueUtils.h | |
Documentation.h | |
FlexBegin.h | |
FlexEnd.h | |
FlexForward.h | |
FlexUtil.h | |
IDevice.h | |
IDevice_Forward.h | |
IThreadContext.h | |
IThreadContext_Forward.h | |
RenderUtils.h | |
Resource.h | |
ShaderService.h | |
► RenderOverlays | |
► Overlays | |
Browser.h | |
OceanSettings.h | |
ShadowFrustumDebugger.h | |
TestMaterialSettings.h | |
ToneMapSettings.h | |
VolFogSettings.h | |
DebuggingDisplay.h | |
DebugHotKeys.h | |
Font.h | |
FontPrimitives.h | |
FontRendering.h | |
FT_Font.h | |
FT_FontTexture.h | |
IOverlayContext.h | |
IOverlayContext_Forward.h | |
OverlayContext.h | |
OverlayUtils.h | |
► Samples | |
► Environment | |
EnvironmentScene.h | |
► HelloWorld | |
BasicScene.h | |
► Shared | |
AnimationDecisionTree.h | |
Character.h | |
CharactersScene.h | |
EnvFeatures.h | |
IScenePlugin.h | |
PlacementsOverlaySystem.h | |
SampleGlobals.h | |
SampleInputHandler.h | |
TerrainOverlaySystem.h | |
► TestDLL | |
TestDLL.h | |
► TestPlatform | |
TestPlatformScene.h | |
► TextureTransform | |
MinimalAssetServices.h | |
Transform.h | |
► SceneEngine | |
AmbientOcclusion.h | |
CloudsForm.h | |
DeepOceanSim.h | |
Documentation.h | |
DualContour.h | |
DualContourRender.h | |
DynamicImposters.h | |
Erosion.h | |
Fluid.h | |
FluidAdvection.h | |
FluidHelper.h | |
GestaltResource.h | |
IntersectionTest.h | |
LightDesc.h | |
LightingParser.h | |
LightingParserContext.h | |
LightingParserStandardPlugin.h | |
LightingTargets.h | |
LightInternal.h | |
MetricsBox.h | |
Noise.h | |
Ocean.h | |
OITInternal.h | |
OrderIndependentTransparency.h | |
PlacementsManager.h | |
PlacementsQuadTree.h | |
PlacementsQuadTreeDebugger.h | |
Rain.h | |
RayTracedShadows.h | |
RayVsModel.h | |
RefractionsBuffer.h | |
RenderingUtils.h | |
SceneEngineUtils.h | |
SceneParser.h | |
ScreenspaceReflections.h | |
ShadowResources.h | |
ShallowSurface.h | |
ShallowWater.h | |
SimplePatchBox.h | |
Sky.h | |
StochasticTransparency.h | |
SunFlare.h | |
SurfaceHeightsProvider.h | |
Terrain.h | |
TerrainConfig.h | |
TerrainCoverageId.h | |
TerrainFormat.h | |
TerrainMaterial.h | |
TerrainMaterialTextures.h | |
TerrainRender.h | |
TerrainScaffold.h | |
TerrainUberSurface.h | |
TextureTileSet.h | |
TiledLighting.h | |
Tonemap.h | |
VegetationSpawn.h | |
VolumetricFog.h | |
► ShaderParser | |
InterfaceSignature.h | |
ParameterSignature.h | |
ShaderPatcher.h | |
► Tools | |
► EntityInterface | |
EntityInterface.h | |
EnvironmentSettings.h | |
GameObjects.h | |
PlacementEntities.h | |
RetainedEntities.h | |
TerrainEntities.h | |
VegetationSpawnEntities.h | |
► GUILayer | |
CLIXAutoPtr.h | |
DelayedDeleteQueue.h | |
DivergentAssetList.h | |
EditorInterfaceUtils.h | |
EngineControl.h | |
EngineDevice.h | |
EngineForward.h | |
EntityLayer.h | |
ExportedNativeTypes.h | |
GUILayerUtil.h | |
IOverlaySystem.h | |
IterativeSystemDebugger.h | |
IWindowRig.h | |
LayerControl.h | |
LevelEditorScene.h | |
ManipulatorsLayer.h | |
ManipulatorUtils.h | |
MarshalString.h | |
MaterialVisualisation.h | |
MathLayer.h | |
NativeEngineDevice.h | |
ObjectPlaceholders.h | |
TerrainLayer.h | |
TestControl.h | |
UITypesBinding.h | |
WindowRigInternal.h | |
► ShaderFragmentArchive | |
► Project | |
resource.h | |
PreviewRenderManager.h | |
ShaderDiagramDocument.h | |
ShaderFragmentArchive.h | |
ShaderGenerator.h | |
Stdafx.h | |
TypeRules.h | |
► ToolsRig | |
BasicManipulators.h | |
GenerateAO.h | |
HighlightEffects.h | |
IManipulator.h | |
ManipulatorsRender.h | |
ManipulatorsUtil.h | |
MaterialBinder.h | |
MaterialVisualisation.h | |
ModelVisualisation.h | |
PlacementsManipulators.h | |
TerrainConversion.h | |
TerrainManipulators.h | |
TerrainManipulatorsCommon.h | |
TerrainManipulatorsInterface.h | |
TerrainOp.h | |
TerrainShadowOp.h | |
VisualisationGeo.h | |
VisualisationUtils.h | |
► UnitTests | |
UnitTestHelper.h | |
► Utility | |
► Detail | |
API.h | |
► Meta | |
AccessorSerialize.h | |
ClassAccessors.h | |
ClassAccessorsImpl.h | |
► Profiling | |
CPUProfiler.h | |
► Streams | |
Data.h | |
DataSerialize.h | |
FileSystemMonitor.h | |
FileUtils.h | |
PathUtils.h | |
Serialization.h | |
Stream.h | |
StreamDOM.h | |
StreamFormatter.h | |
StreamTypes.h | |
XmlStreamFormatter.h | |
► Threading | |
CompletionThreadPool.h | |
LockFree.h | |
Mutex.h | |
ThreadingUtils.h | |
ThreadLibrary.h | |
ThreadObject.h | |
► WinAPI | |
WinAPIWrapper.h | |
ArithmeticUtils.h | |
BitHeap.h | |
BitUtils.h | |
Conversion.h | |
Documentation.h | |
ExceptionLogging.h | |
ExposeStreamOp.h | |
FunctionUtils.h | |
HeapUtils.h | |
IntrusivePtr.h | |
IteratorUtils.h | |
MemoryUtils.h | |
MiniHeap.h | |
Mixins.h | |
ParameterBox.h | |
ParameterPackUtils.h | |
PtrUtils.h | |
StreamUtils.h | |
StringFormat.h | |
StringUtils.h | |
SystemUtils.h | |
TimeUtils.h | |
UTFUtils.h | |