►NAssets | |
►NExceptions | Exceptions related to rendering |
CAssetException | |
CFormatError | |
CInvalidAsset | |
CPendingAsset | An asset is still being loaded |
CUnsupportedFormat | |
►NIntermediateAssets | |
CCompilerSet | |
CIAssetCompiler | |
CStore | |
►CArchiveCache | |
CBlockMetrics | |
CComparePendingCommit | |
CMetrics | |
CPendingCommit | |
CAssetChunkRequest | |
CAssetChunkResult | |
CAssetSetManager | |
CAsyncLoadOperation | |
CChunkFileAsset | Utility for building asset objects that load from chunk files (sometimes asychronously) |
CCompileAndAsyncManager | |
►CCompilerHelper | Utilities helpful when implementing asset compilers |
CCompileResult | |
CConfigFileContainer | Container file with with one child that is initialized via InputStreamFormatter |
CConfigFileListContainer | Loads a single configuration setting from a file with multiple settings |
CDependencyValidation | Handles resource invalidation events |
CDependentFileState | |
CDirectorySearchRules | |
CDivergentAsset | |
►CDivergentAssetBase | |
CAssetIdentifier | |
CDivergentTransaction | |
CIAssetSet | |
►CInvalidAssetManager | Records a list of invalid assets |
CAssetRef | |
►CIPollingAsyncProcess | |
CResult | |
CIThreadPump | |
CITransaction | |
CPendingCompileMarker | Records the state of a resource being compiled |
CPendingOperationMarker | |
CResolvedAssetFile | Container for a asset filename in string format |
►CServices | |
CFlags | |
CTransactionPtr | |
CUndoQueue | |
►NBasicGUI | |
►NBufferUploads | Interface for uploading data to the GPU |
►NPlatformInterface | |
CGPUEventStack | |
►CUnderlyingDeviceContext | |
CMappedBuffer | |
CMapType | |
CAssemblyLineMetrics | |
CAssemblyLineRetirement | |
CBasicRawDataPacket | |
CBatchedHeapMetrics | |
►CBatchedResources | |
CResultFlags | |
CBatchingSystemMetrics | |
CBox2D | |
►CBufferDesc | Description of a buffer |
CType | |
CBufferMetrics | |
CCommandList | |
CCommandListMetrics | |
►CCommitStep | |
CDeferredCopy | |
CDeferredDefragCopy | |
►CDataPacket | |
CMarker | |
CEvent_ResourceReposition | |
CIManager | Main interface for BufferUploads |
CIResourcePool | |
CLinearBufferDesc | |
CManager | |
CPartialResource | Specifies a limited part of a resource |
CPoolMetrics | |
CPoolSystemMetrics | |
►CReferenceCountingLayer | |
CCompareStart | |
CEntry | |
CResourceLocator | |
►CResourceSource | |
CCreationOptions | |
►CResourceConstruction | |
CFlags | |
►CResourcesPool | |
CCompareFirst | |
CPoolOfLikeResources | |
►CTextureDesc | |
CDimensionality | |
CTexturePitches | |
CTextureSamples | |
CThreadContext | |
►NColladaConversion | |
►NDataFlow | |
►CAccessor | |
CParam | |
CInput | |
CInputUnshared | |
CSource | |
CAnimation | |
CAssetDesc | |
CChannel | |
CDocScopeId | |
CDocumentScaffold | |
►CEffect | |
CProfile | |
CGeometryPrimitives | |
CGuidReference | |
CIDocScopeIdResolver | |
CImage | |
CInputsCollection | |
CInstanceController | |
►CInstanceGeometry | |
CMaterialBinding | |
CMaterial | |
CMeshGeometry | |
CNode | |
►CParameterSet | |
CBasicParameter | |
CSamplerParameter | |
CSurfaceParameter | |
CSampler | |
CSkinController | |
CTechniqueValue | |
CTransformation | |
CTransformationSet | |
CURIResolveContext | |
CVisualScene | |
►NConsoleRig | |
►CAttachable | |
CAttachRef | |
CAttachableLibrary | |
CConsole | |
CConsoleVariable | |
CCrossModule | |
CGlobalServices | |
CIProgress | |
CIStep | |
CLibVersionDesc | |
CLogCallback | Base class from which custom log handles can be derived |
CStartupConfig | |
►NControlsLibrary | |
►NMaterialEditor | |
CHierchicalMaterialControl | |
►CMaterialControl | |
CExtraControls | |
CMaterialPreview | |
►CExportPreviewDialog | |
CQueuedExport | |
CFileCompare | |
CInvalidAssetDialog | |
CLayerControl | |
CModifiedAssetsDialog | |
►CProgressDialog | |
CProgressInterface | |
►NDiffMatchPatch | |
CDiff | |
Cdiff_match_patch | |
CPatch | |
►NEntityInterface | |
CEnvEntitiesManager | |
CIdentifier | |
CIEntityInterface | Defines rules for creation, deletion and update of entities |
CPlacementEntities | |
CPropertyInitializer | |
►CRetainedEntities | Stores entity data generically |
CRegisteredObjectType | |
CRetainedEntity | |
CRetainedEntityInterface | Implements IEntityInterface for retained entities |
►CSwitch | Holds a collection of IObjectType interface, and selects the appropriate interface for a given object |
CKnownType | |
CTerrainEntities | |
►NExceptions | |
CBasicLabel | |
►NGUILayer | |
Cabstract | |
CCFD3DIterativeSystem | |
CCFDIterativeSystem | |
CCFDPreviewSettings | |
CCFDRefIterativeSystem | |
CCloudsIterativeSystem | |
CDelayedDeleteQueue | |
CDivergentAssetList | |
CEditorScene | |
►CEditorSceneManager | High level manager for level editor interface |
Cabstract | |
CExportResult | |
CPlacementCellRef | |
CEditorSceneRenderSettings | |
CEngineControlPimpl | |
CEngineDevice | CLI layer to represent a rendering device |
►CEntityLayer | |
CPropertyInitializer | |
CEnvironmentSettingsSet | |
►CErosionIterativeSystem | |
CSettings | |
CFileNameEditor | |
CIGetAndSetProperties | |
CIntersectionTestContextWrapper | |
CIntersectionTestSceneWrapper | |
CInvalidAssetList | |
CIProgress | |
CIStep | |
CIterativeSystem | |
CIWindowRig | |
CLayerControl | |
CLayerControlPimpl | |
CMaterialVisLayer | |
CMaterialVisSettings | |
CModelVisSettings | |
CNativeEngineDevice | |
►CObjectPlaceholders | |
CAnnotation | |
CObjectSet | |
►CPendingSaveList | |
CEntry | |
CPlacementManipulators | |
►CPlacementManipulatorsPimpl | |
CRegisteredManipulator | |
CPlacementsEditorWrapper | |
CPropertyPair | |
CRawMaterial | |
CRenderStateSet | |
Csealed | |
CTechniqueContextWrapper | |
►CTerrainConfig | Layer over the native terrain config |
CCoverageLayerDesc | |
CTerrainManipulators | |
►CTerrainManipulatorsPimpl | |
CRegisteredManipulator | |
CTestControl | |
CVisCameraSettings | |
CVisMouseOver | |
CWindowRig | |
►NIterativeSystemDebugger | |
CBaseWindow | |
CCFDSettingsSchemaLoader | |
CErosion | |
CErosionSettingsSchemaLoader | |
CMainForm | |
CRefCFD | |
►NModelViewer | |
CMainForm | |
CModalMaterialEditor | |
►NOverlays | |
CColorGradingSettingsDisplay | |
►CModelBrowser | |
CProcessInputResult | |
COceanLightingSettingsDisplay | |
COceanSettingsDisplay | |
CShadowFrustumDebugger | |
CSharedBrowser | |
CTestMaterialSettings | |
CTextureBrowser | |
CToneMapSettingsDisplay | |
CVolumetricFogSettings | |
►NPlatformRig | |
►NCamera | |
CCameraInertia | |
CCameraInputHandler | |
CClientUnit | |
CICameraAttach | |
CUnitCamera | |
►CUnitCamManager | |
COutputCamera | |
►NNetwork | |
►NConnectionServer | /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// |
CListener | |
►NContactPacket | |
CMoveObserver | |
CRequestSubscribe | |
CSendMeshNodeId | |
CStateBundleDestroy | |
CStateBundleEvent | |
CStateBundleUpdate | |
CSubscriptionSuggestions | |
CTestPacket | |
►NStatePropagation | |
CIStatePacketBroadcaster | |
►CStateBundle | |
CData | |
CState | |
CStateWorld | |
CSubscriptionList | |
CVisibilityObject | |
►NTwoWayConnectors | |
CConnection | |
CConnector | |
CBasicPacket | |
CContactSession | |
CLocalMeshNode | |
CMeshContact | |
CMeshContactList | |
►NOverlays | |
►CBatchingDisplay | |
CWarmSpan | |
►CBufferUploadDisplay | |
CFrameRecord | |
CGPUMetrics | |
CConservativeRasterTest | |
CConsoleDisplay | |
CCPUProfileDisplay | |
CDualContouringTest | |
CDynamicImpostersDisplay | |
CGPUProfileDisplay | |
CGridIteratorDisplay | |
CPlacementsDisplay | |
CRectanglePackerTest | |
CResourcePoolDisplay | |
►CAccumulatedAllocations | |
CCurrentHeapMetrics | |
CSnapshot | |
CBasicSceneParser | Simple & partial implementation of the ISceneParser interface |
CDebugScreensInputHandler | |
►CDefaultShadowFrustumSettings | |
CFlags | |
►CEnvironmentSettings | Describes a lighting environment |
CShadowProj | |
►CFrameRig | |
CFrameResult | |
CRenderResult | |
CGlobalTechniqueContext | |
CInputTranslator | |
CIOverlaySystem | |
CIWindowHandler | |
CMainInputHandler | |
COverlappedWindow | An independent window in OS presentation scheme |
COverlaySystemSet | |
COverlaySystemSwitch | |
CResizePresentationChain | Resizes a presentation chain to match a window |
►NPreviewRender | |
CManager | |
CPreviewBuilder | |
►NRenderCore | Main interface for controlling rendering behaviour |
►NAssets | |
►NGeoProc | |
CIVertexSourceData | |
►CMeshDatabase | A representation of a mesh used during geometry processing |
CStream | |
CNativeVBLayout | |
CNativeVBSettings | |
CAnimationImmutableData | |
►CAnimationSet | |
CAnimation | |
CAnimationDriver | |
CConstantDriver | |
COutputInterface | |
CAnimationSetBinding | |
CAnimationSetScaffold | Structural data for animation |
CAnimationState | Represents the state of animation effects on an object |
CBoundSkinnedGeometry | |
CColladaCompiler | |
CCompilationThread | Used by the compiler types to manage background operations |
CDeferredShaderResource | Prepares a shader resource from a file source |
CDelayedDrawCall | |
CDelayedDrawCallSet | Holds a collection of draw calls that have been delayed for later rendering |
CDrawCallDesc | |
CEmbeddedSkeletonPose | |
CGeoInputAssembly | |
CIModelFormat | |
CIndexData | |
CITransformationMachineOptimizer | |
CLocalCompiledShaderSource | |
CMaterialImmutableData | |
CMaterialScaffold | An asset containing compiled material settings |
CMaterialScaffoldCompiler | |
CMeshToModel | |
►CModelCache | |
CConfig | |
CModel | |
CScaffolds | |
►CModelCommandStream | |
CGeoCall | |
CInputInterface | |
►CModelFormat_Plugins | |
CPlugin | |
CModelImmutableData | |
►CModelRenderer | Creates platform resources and renders a model |
CDrawCallEvent | |
►CPimpl | |
CDrawCallResources | |
CMesh | |
►CPimplWithSkinning | |
►CSkinnedMesh | |
CVertexStreams | |
CSkinnedMeshAnimBinding | |
CPreparedAnimation | |
CModelRendererContext | |
CModelScaffold | Structural data describing a model |
CModelSupplementImmutableData | |
CModelSupplementScaffold | Supplemental vertex data associated with a model |
CNascentTransformationMachine | |
CPendingGeoUpload | |
CQueuedCompileOperation | |
CRawAnimationCurve | |
CRawGeometry | |
CRawMaterial | Pre-resolved material settings |
CResolvedMaterial | Final material settings |
CServices | |
►CSharedStateSet | |
CCaptureMarker | |
CSkeletonBinding | |
CSkeletonScaffold | Structural data for a skeleton |
CSkinPrepareMachine | Bind together a model, animation set and skeleton for rendering |
CSupplementGeo | |
►CTransformationMachine | |
►CInputInterface | |
CParameter | |
COutputInterface | |
►CTransformationParameterSet | |
CType | |
CVertexData | |
CVertexElement | |
►NColladaConversion | |
CBindingConfig | |
CImportConfiguration | |
►CNascentAnimationSet | |
CAnimationDriver | |
CConstantDriver | |
CNascentBoundSkinnedGeometry | |
CNascentChunk | |
CNascentGeometryObjects | |
CNascentModel | |
►CNascentModelCommandStream | |
CCameraInstance | |
CGeometryInstance | |
CSkinControllerInstance | |
CNascentRawGeometry | |
CNascentSkeleton | |
CObjectGuid | |
►CReferencedGeometries | |
CAttachedObject | |
CReferencedMaterial | |
CReferencedTexture | |
►CSkeletonRegistry | |
CImportantNode | |
CTableOfObjects | |
►CUnboundAnimation | |
CCurve | |
CUnboundMorphController | |
►CUnboundSkinController | |
CBucket | |
CUnboundSkinControllerAndAttachedSkeleton | |
►NExceptions | |
CAllocationFailure | Failure creating object |
CGenericFailure | Some unspecific failure during rendering |
►NMetal_DX11 | This is the implementation of RenderCore::Metal for DX11 platforms |
►NGPUProfiler | Low level GPU profiler implementation (for DirectX11) |
CDebugAnnotation | Add a debugging animation |
CProfilerDestroyer | |
CArraySlice | |
CBlendState | States used while drawing pixels to the render targets |
CBoundClassInterfaces | |
CBoundInputLayout | |
CBoundUniforms | |
CCommandList | |
CComputeShader | |
CConstantBuffer | |
CConstantBufferLayout | |
CConstantBufferLayoutElement | |
CConstantBufferLayoutElementHash | |
CCopyPartial_Dest | |
CCopyPartial_Src | |
CD3DTypeInfo | |
CD3DTypeInfo< ID3D::Buffer > | |
CD3DTypeInfo< ID3D::Texture1D > | |
CD3DTypeInfo< ID3D::Texture2D > | |
CD3DTypeInfo< ID3D::Texture3D > | |
CDeepShaderProgram | A shader program with tessellation support |
CDepthStencilState | States used reading and writing to the depth buffer |
CDepthStencilView | |
CDeviceContext | |
CDomainShader | |
►CGeometryShader | |
CStreamOutputInitializers | |
CHullShader | |
CIndexBuffer | |
CInputElementDesc | |
CMipSlice | |
CObjectFactory | |
CPixelCoord | |
CPixelShader | |
CRasterizerState | States used while rasterising triangles |
CRenderTargetView | |
CSamplerState | States for sampling from textures |
CShaderProgram | A set of shaders for each stage of the shader pipeline |
CShaderResourceView | |
CStencilMode | |
CTextureDesc | |
CUniformsStream | |
►CUnorderedAccessView | |
CFlags | |
CVertexBuffer | |
CVertexShader | |
CViewportDesc | Utility for querying low level viewport |
►NTechniques | |
CCameraDesc | |
►CCommonResourceBox | |
CDesc | |
CCompiledRenderStateSet | |
CGlobalTransformConstants | |
CIStateSetResolver | |
CLocalTransformConstants | |
►CParsingContext | Manages critical shader state |
CStringHelpers | |
►CPredefinedCBLayout | |
CElement | |
CProjectionDesc | |
►CRenderStateSet | Render state settings |
CFlag | |
CResolvedShader | |
CRSDepthBias | |
►CShaderParameters | |
CSource | |
CShaderType | |
CTechnique | |
CTechniqueContext | |
CTechniqueInterface | |
CTechniqueMaterial | |
CCompiledShaderByteCode | Represents a chunk of compiled shader code |
CDevice | |
CDeviceDX11 | |
CIDevice | Represents a hardware device capable of rendering |
CIDeviceDX11 | IDevice extension for DX11 |
CIPresentationChain | Represents a set of back buffer for rendering to a window |
CIThreadContext | Represents the context state of a particular thread while rendering |
CIThreadContextDX11 | IThreadContext extension for DX11 |
CPresentationChain | |
►CResourceList | Used by the Metal interface to set many objects at once |
CUtility< 0, WriteTo, Tuple > | |
CResourceList< Type, 0 > | |
►CShaderService | |
CILowLevelCompiler | |
CIPendingMarker | |
CIShaderSource | |
CResId | |
CShaderHeader | |
CSharedPkt | A reference counted packet for small allocations |
CThreadContext | |
CThreadContextDX11 | |
CThreadContextStateDesc | |
CViewportContext | |
►NRenderOverlays | |
►NDebuggingDisplay | |
CButtonStyle | |
►CDebugScreensSystem | |
CWidgetAndName | |
CIInputListener | |
►CInputSnapshot | |
CActiveButton | |
►CInteractables | |
CWidget | |
CInterfaceState | |
CIWidget | |
CLayout | |
CRect | |
►CScrollBar | |
►CCoordinates | |
CFlags | |
CTableElement | |
CColor4 | |
CColorB | |
CDrawTextOptions | |
CFont | |
CFontChar | |
CFontDef | |
CFontTexture2D | |
►CFT_FontTextureMgr | |
CFontCharTable | |
CFontFace | |
CFTFont | |
CFTFontGroup | |
CFTFontNameInfo | |
CFTFontRange | |
CImmediateOverlayContext | |
CIOverlayContext | |
►COverlayState | |
CDepthMode | |
CQuad | |
CTextStyle | |
►NSample | |
CAnimationDecisionTree | Simple logic for character animation |
CAnimationState | |
CBasicSceneParser | |
CCharacter | |
CCharacterModel | |
CCharactersScene | |
CEnvironmentSceneParser | |
CIScenePlugin | Plugin for scene features |
►CNetworkCharacter | |
CStateBundleContents | |
CNPCCharacter | |
►CPlayerCharacter | |
CStateBundleContents | |
CSampleInputHandler | |
CScenePlugin_EnvironmentFeatures | |
►CSpline | |
CDataPoint | |
CTestPlatformSceneParser | |
►NSamples | |
CMinimalAssetServices | Startup and manage a minimal set of asset services |
►NSceneEngine | World rendering technologies and lighting resolve |
CAdvectionSettings | |
►CAmbientOcclusionResources | |
CContextDeletor | |
CDesc | |
►CAmbientResolveShaders | |
CDesc | |
CAtmosphereBlurSettings | |
CAttachedSceneMarker | |
CCB_ArbitraryShadowProjection | |
CCB_OrthoShadowProjection | |
CCB_ShadowResolveParameters | |
►CCloudsForm2D | |
CSettings | |
CColorGradingSettings | |
CCoverageUberSurfaceInterface | |
►CDeepOceanSim | |
CDesc | |
CDeepOceanSimSettings | |
CDiffusionHelper | |
►CDualContourMesh | |
CQuad | |
CVertex | |
CDualContourRenderer | |
►CDuplicateDepthBuffer | |
CDesc | |
►CDynamicImposters | Prepares imposter "sprites" for objects, and uses them as a stand-in |
CConfig | |
CMetrics | |
CSpriteMetrics | |
CEnforceIncompressibilityHelper | |
►CErosionSimulation | |
CSettings | |
►CFluidSolver2D | |
CSettings | |
►CFluidSolver3D | |
CSettings | |
CFormatStack | |
►CForwardTargetsBox | |
CDesc | |
CGenericUberSurfaceInterface | |
CGestaltResource | A GPU resources with one or more "views" |
CGlobalLightingDesc | |
CGradientFlagsSettings | |
CHeightsUberSurfaceInterface | |
CIIntersectionTester | Resolves ray and box intersections for tools |
CILightingParserPlugin | Plug-in for the lighting parser |
CIntersectionTestContext | Context for doing ray & box intersection test |
►CIntersectionTestScene | Resolves ray and box intersections for tools |
CResult | |
CType | |
CISceneParser | |
►CISurfaceHeightsProvider | Interface to access surface height values for shader |
CAddressing | |
CITerrainFormat | Interface for reading and writing terrain data |
CIVolumeDensityFunction | |
CLightDesc | Defines a dynamic light |
CLightingParserContext | |
CLightingParserStandardPlugin | |
►CLightingResolveContext | The LightingResolveContext is used by lighting operations during the gbuffer resolve step |
CPass | |
►CLightingResolveShaders | |
CCB | |
CDesc | |
CLightShader | |
CLightShaderType | |
CSR | |
►CLightingResolveTextureBox | |
CDesc | |
CLuminanceResult | |
►CMainTargetsBox | |
CDesc | |
CMaterialOverride | |
►CMetricsBox | |
CDesc | |
►CModelIntersectionStateContext | |
CResultEntry | |
►CMultiProjection | Represents a set of shared projections |
CFullSubProjection | |
CMode | |
COrthoSubProjection | |
COceanLightingSettings | |
►CPerlinNoiseResources | |
CDesc | |
►CPlacementsEditor | |
CITransaction | |
CObjIntersectionDef | |
CObjTransDef | |
CTransactionFlags | |
►CPlacementsManager | Manages stream and organization of object placements |
CObjectBoundingBoxes | |
►CPlacementsQuadTree | Quad tree arrangement for static placements |
CMetrics | |
CPlacementsQuadTreeDebugger | |
CPreparedDMShadowFrustum | Prepared "Depth Map" shadow frustum |
CPreparedRTShadowFrustum | Prepared "Ray Traced" shadow frustum |
CPreparedShadowFrustum | Contains the result of a shadow prepare operation |
CPrimedCell | |
►CProtectState | Low-level save and restore of state information |
CStates | |
►CReferenceFluidSolver2D | |
CSettings | |
►CRefractionsBuffer | |
CDesc | |
CRenderingQualitySettings | |
►CSavedTargets | |
CResetMarker | |
►CSceneParseSettings | |
CToggles | |
CShadowProjectionDesc | Defines the projected shadows for a single light |
►CShadowResourcesBox | |
CDesc | |
►CShadowTargetsBox | |
CDesc | |
►CShadowWriteResources | |
CDesc | |
►CShallowSurface | |
CConfig | |
CLightingConfig | |
CShallowSurfaceManager | |
►CShallowWaterSim | |
CBorderMode | |
CDesc | |
CSimSettings | |
CSimulationContext | |
CShortCircuitUpdate | |
►CSimplePatchBox | |
CDesc | |
CSkyTextureParts | |
CStochasticTransparencyOp | |
►CTerrainCachedData | Loads cached data prepared in a pre-processing step |
CCell | |
►CTerrainCell | |
CNode | |
CNodeField | |
►CTerrainCellId | |
CUberSurfaceAddress | |
CTerrainCellRenderer | |
CTerrainCellTexture | |
►CTerrainCollapseContext | |
CNeighbours | |
CNode | |
CNodeID | |
►CTerrainConfig | Configuration settings for terrain input assets |
CCoverageLayer | |
CTerrainCoordinateSystem | Describes the position and size of terrain in world coordinates |
CTerrainFormat | Native XLE file format for terrain |
►CTerrainManager | Top-level manager for terrain assets |
CIntersectionResult | |
►CTerrainMaterialConfig | |
CGradFlagMaterial | |
CProcTextureSetting | |
►CStrataMaterial | |
CStrata | |
CTerrainMaterialTextures | |
►CTerrainRendererConfig | |
CLayer | |
►CTerrainRenderingContext | |
►CQueuedNode | |
CFlags | |
CTerrainUberHeader | |
CTerrainUberSurface | Represents a single "uber" field of terrain data |
CTerrainUberSurfaceGeneric | |
CTextureTile | |
CTextureTileSet | A set of "texture tiles", all of which are the same size |
►CToneMapSettings | |
CFlags | |
►CTransparencyTargetsBox | |
CDesc | |
►CVegetationSpawnConfig | |
CBucket | |
CMaterial | |
CObjectType | |
CVegetationSpawnManager | |
►CVolumetricFogConfig | |
CFogVolume | |
CRenderer | |
CVolumetricFogManager | |
CVolumetricFogMaterial | |
►CWaterNoiseTexture | |
CDesc | |
►CWorldPlacementsConfig | |
CCell | |
►NSerialization | |
►NChunkFile | |
CChunkFileHeader | |
CChunkHeader | |
►CNascentBlockSerializer | |
CInternalPointer | |
CSpecialBuffer | |
►NShaderDiagram | |
CDocument | |
►NShaderFragmentArchive | |
CArchive | |
►CFunction | |
CParameter | |
CParameter | |
CParameterStruct | |
CShaderFragment | |
►NShaderPatcher | |
►CNode | |
CType | |
CNodeConnection | |
CNodeConstantConnection | |
CNodeGraph | |
CType | |
►NShaderPatcherLayer | |
CNode | |
CNodeConnection | |
CNodeConstantConnection | |
CNodeGraph | |
►CTypeRules | |
CTypeBreakdown | |
CVisualNode | |
►NShaderSourceParser | |
►NExceptions | |
CCompileError | |
CParseError | |
►CFunctionSignature | |
CParameter | |
►CParameterSignature | |
CSource | |
►CParameterStructSignature | |
CParameter | |
CShaderFragmentSignature | |
►Nstd | |
C_Never_true | |
C_Unique_if | |
C_Unique_if< T[]> | |
C_Unique_if< T[N]> | |
►NTextureTransform | |
CTextureResult | |
►NToolsRig | |
CAngleBasedShadowsOperator | |
►CAoGen | Generates pre-calculated AO information for a model |
CDesc | |
CAOOperator | Generates ambient occlusion for terrain |
CAOSupplementCompiler | Compiler type for generating per-vertex AO supplement |
CBinaryHighlight | Utility class for rendering a highlight around some geometry |
CChangeEvent | |
CCommonManipulator | |
CHighlightByStencilSettings | |
►CIManipulator | |
CBoolParameter | |
CParameter | |
►CIMaterialBinder | Binds material settings to the device |
CSystemConstants | |
►CIPlacementManipulatorSettings | |
CMode | |
CITerrainOp | Terrain operation that executes on heights |
CManipulatorsDisplay | |
CManipulatorsInterface | |
CManipulatorStack | |
CMaterialBinder | |
CMaterialVisLayer | Renders a visualisation of a material |
CMaterialVisObject | |
►CMaterialVisSettings | |
CGeometryType | |
CLightingType | |
CModelVisLayer | |
CModelVisSettings | Settings related to the visualisation of a model |
CMouseOverTrackingOverlay | |
CPlacementsManipulatorsManager | Basic tools for placing and arranging objects |
CRectangleManipulator | |
CTerrainImportOp | |
CTerrainManipulatorBase | |
CTerrainOpConfig | |
CVisCameraSettings | |
CVisEnvSettings | |
CVisMouseOver | |
CVisSceneParser | |
CVisualisationOverlay | |
►NUtility | Utilities and reusable classes |
►NExceptions | |
CIOException | |
►NImpliedTyping | |
CTypeDesc | |
►NLockFree | |
CFixedSizeQueue | |
CFixedSizeQueue_Waitable | |
►NThreading | |
CThread | |
CAlignedDeletor | |
CAutoCleanup | |
►CBasicFile | |
CShareMode | |
CBitHeap | |
►CBlockSerializerAllocator | And STL allocator that will suppress deallocation when memory comes from a part of a larger heap block |
Crebind | |
CBlockSerializerDeleter | |
CBlockSerializerDeleter< Type[]> | |
CByteCount | |
►CClassAccessors | Get and set properties associated with a native C++ class |
CChildList | |
CProperty | |
CCompareFirst | |
CCompareSecond | |
CCompletionThreadPool | |
►CConstHash64 | Generate a hash value at compile time |
CCalc | |
CCPUProfileEvent | Begin and end a profiler event |
CCPUProfileEvent_Conditional | |
CData | |
CDefragStep | |
CDocAttributeHelper | |
CDocElementHelper | |
►CDocument | |
CAttributeDesc | |
CElementDesc | |
CDynamicArray | Wrapper for std::unique_ptr<Type[]> |
CFilenameRules | |
CFileNameSplitter | Split a filename into its component parts |
CFormatException | |
CFunctionTraits | |
CFunctionTraits< nullptr_t > | |
CFunctionTraits< ReturnType(*)(Args...)> | |
CFunctionTraits< ReturnType(ClassType::*)(Args...) > | |
CFunctionTraits< ReturnType(ClassType::*)(Args...) const > | |
CHasType | |
CHasType< T, std::tuple< T, Ts... > > | |
CHasType< T, std::tuple< U, Ts... > > | |
CHasType< T, std::tuple<> > | |
►CHierarchicalCPUProfiler | Hierarchical CPU call Profiler |
CResolvedEvent | |
CInputStream | |
CInputStreamFormatter | |
Cintrusive_ptr | Standard intrusive pointer object |
CIteratorRange | |
CLRUCache | |
CLRUQueue | |
CMarkerHeap | |
CMemoryInputStream | |
►CMemoryMappedFile | |
CAccess | |
CMemoryMappedInputStream | |
►CMiniHeap | A simple but efficient mini heap implement |
CAllocation | |
CMovePTRHelper | |
Cnoncopyable | |
COnChangeCallback | |
COutputStream | |
COutputStreamFormatter | |
►CParameterBox | |
CIterator | |
CParameterName | |
CPODAlignedDeletor | |
CRefCountedObject | |
CSpanningHeap | |
CSplitPath | Split a path into its component directories |
CStreamBuf | |
CStreamLocation | |
CStringMeld | Dynamic string formatting utility |
CStringSection | Pointers to the start and end of a string |
CTextStreamMarker | |
►CVariantFunctions | A collection of functions with varying signatures |
CDuplicateFunction | |
CNoFunction | |
CSignatureMismatch | |
CStoredFunction | |
►CXmlInputStreamFormatter | Deserializes element and attribute data from xml |
CScope | |
►NXLEMath | |
►NPoissonSolverInternal | |
CAMat | |
CSparseBandedMatrix | |
CArbitraryRotation | |
CArbitraryScale | |
CEigen | |
CLookAt | |
►CPoissonSolver | Solves "Poisson equations", such as the heat equation |
CFlags | |
CRectanglePacker | Sequentially pack rectangles within a fixed area |
CRectanglePacker_MaxRects | |
CRotationX | |
CRotationY | |
CRotationZ | |
CScalarField1D | |
CScalarField2D | |
CScalarField3D | |
CScaleRotationTranslation | |
CScaleTranslation | |
CSkew | |
CUniformScale | |
CVectorField2DSeparate | A 2D field of 2D vectors |
CVectorField3DSeparate | |
Candroid_app | |
Candroid_poll_source | |
Cconstant_expression | Wraps a compile condition for a if() statement |
Cconstant_expression< false > | |