XLE  v0.02.0
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions
RenderCore::Metal_DX11 Namespace Reference

This is the implementation of RenderCore::Metal for DX11 platforms. More...


 Container for AddressMode::Enum.
 Container for Blend::Enum.
 Container for BlendOp::Enum.
 Container for CullMode::Enum.
 Container for FillMode::Enum.
 Container for FilterMode::Enum.
 Container for FormatComponents::Enum.
 Container for FormatComponentType::Enum.
 Container for FormatCompressionType::Enum.
 Container for FormatPrefix::Enum.
 Contains some common reusable vertex input layouts.
 Low level GPU profiler implementation (for DirectX11)
 Container for InputClassification::Enum.
 Container for NativeFormat::Enum.
 Container for Topology::Enum.


class  ArraySlice
class  BlendState
 States used while drawing pixels to the render targets More...
class  BoundClassInterfaces
class  BoundInputLayout
class  BoundUniforms
class  CommandList
class  ComputeShader
class  ConstantBuffer
class  ConstantBufferLayout
class  ConstantBufferLayoutElement
class  ConstantBufferLayoutElementHash
class  CopyPartial_Dest
class  CopyPartial_Src
class  D3DTypeInfo
class  D3DTypeInfo< ID3D::Buffer >
class  D3DTypeInfo< ID3D::Texture1D >
class  D3DTypeInfo< ID3D::Texture2D >
class  D3DTypeInfo< ID3D::Texture3D >
class  DeepShaderProgram
 A shader program with tessellation support More...
class  DepthStencilState
 States used reading and writing to the depth buffer More...
class  DepthStencilView
class  DeviceContext
class  DomainShader
class  GeometryShader
class  HullShader
class  IndexBuffer
class  InputElementDesc
class  MipSlice
class  ObjectFactory
class  PixelCoord
class  PixelShader
class  RasterizerState
 States used while rasterising triangles More...
class  RenderTargetView
class  SamplerState
 States for sampling from textures More...
class  ShaderProgram
 A set of shaders for each stage of the shader pipeline More...
class  ShaderResourceView
class  StencilMode
class  TextureDesc
class  UniformsStream
class  UnorderedAccessView
class  VertexBuffer
class  VertexShader
class  ViewportDesc
 Utility for querying low level viewport More...


typedef TextureDesc< ID3D::Texture1D > TextureDesc1D
typedef TextureDesc< ID3D::Texture2D > TextureDesc2D
typedef TextureDesc< ID3D::Texture3D > TextureDesc3D
typedef TextureDesc< ID3D::Buffer > D3DBufferDesc
typedef SharedPkt ConstantBufferPacket
typedef std::pair< const InputElementDesc *, size_t > InputLayout
typedef intrusive_ptr< ID3D::Query > UnderlyingQuery


intrusive_ptr< ID3D::ShaderReflection > CreateReflection (const CompiledShaderByteCode &shaderCode)
std::shared_ptr< ShaderService::ILowLevelCompilerCreateLowLevelShaderCompiler ()
ImpliedTyping::TypeDesc GetType (D3D11_SHADER_TYPE_DESC typeDesc)
template<typename ResourceType >
intrusive_ptr< ResourceType > ExtractResource (ID3D::RenderTargetView *rtv)
template<typename ResourceType >
intrusive_ptr< ResourceType > ExtractResource (ID3D::ShaderResourceView *srv)
template<typename ResourceType >
intrusive_ptr< ResourceType > ExtractResource (ID3D::UnorderedAccessView *uav)
template<typename ResourceType >
intrusive_ptr< ResourceType > ExtractResource (ID3D::DepthStencilView *dsv)
template<typename DestinationType , typename SourceType >
intrusive_ptr< DestinationType > QueryInterfaceCast (SourceType *sourceObject)
template<typename DestinationType , typename SourceType >
intrusive_ptr< DestinationType > QueryInterfaceCast (intrusive_ptr< SourceType > &sourceObject)
template<typename Type >
intrusive_ptr< Type > DuplicateResource (ID3D::DeviceContext *context, Type *inputResource)
intrusive_ptr< ID3D::Resource > DuplicateResource (ID3D::DeviceContext *context, ID3D::Resource *inputResource)
intrusive_ptr< ID3D::Buffer > DuplicateResource (ID3D::DeviceContext *context, ID3D::Buffer *inputResource)
FormatCompressionType::Enum GetCompressionType (NativeFormat::Enum format)
FormatComponents::Enum GetComponents (NativeFormat::Enum format)
FormatComponentType::Enum GetComponentType (NativeFormat::Enum format)
unsigned BitsPerPixel (NativeFormat::Enum format)
unsigned GetComponentPrecision (NativeFormat::Enum format)
unsigned GetDecompressedComponentPrecision (NativeFormat::Enum format)
unsigned GetComponentCount (FormatComponents::Enum components)
NativeFormat::Enum FindFormat (FormatCompressionType::Enum compression, FormatComponents::Enum components, FormatComponentType::Enum componentType, unsigned precision)
NativeFormat::Enum AsSRGBFormat (NativeFormat::Enum inputFormat)
NativeFormat::Enum AsLinearFormat (NativeFormat::Enum inputFormat)
NativeFormat::Enum AsTypelessFormat (NativeFormat::Enum inputFormat)
bool HasLinearAndSRGBFormats (NativeFormat::Enum inputFormat)
NativeFormat::Enum AsNativeFormat (const ImpliedTyping::TypeDesc &type, ShaderNormalizationMode::Enum norm)
const char * AsString (NativeFormat::Enum format)
NativeFormat::Enum AsNativeFormat (const char name[])
DXGI_FORMAT AsDXGIFormat (NativeFormat::Enum format)
NativeFormat::Enum AsNativeFormat (DXGI_FORMAT format)
unsigned CalculateVertexStride (const InputElementDesc *start, const InputElementDesc *end, unsigned slot)
unsigned HasElement (const InputElementDesc *begin, const InputElementDesc *end, const char elementSemantic[])
unsigned FindElement (const InputElementDesc *begin, const InputElementDesc *end, const char elementSemantic[], unsigned semanticIndex)
void Copy (DeviceContext &context, ID3D::Resource *dst, ID3D::Resource *src)
void CopyPartial (DeviceContext &context, const CopyPartial_Dest &dst, const CopyPartial_Src &src)
intrusive_ptr< ID3D::Resource > Duplicate (DeviceContext &context, ID3D::Resource *inputResource)

Detailed Description

This is the implementation of RenderCore::Metal for DX11 platforms.

When DX11 is enabled, RenderCore::Metal is renamed to mean RenderCore::Metal_DX11

namespace RendeCore {
using Metal = Metal_DX11;

This means that DX11 implementations of the "metal" interfaces can be accessed via RenderCore::Metal:...

For example, RenderCore::Metal::DeviceContext will be a rename for RenderCore::Metal_DX11::DeviceContext. This allows compile-time polymorphism: client code isn't strongly bound to any single implementation of RenderCore::Metal, and we can change which implementation is used with compile time switches.

Important classes

The classes RenderCore::Metal_DX11 implement a thin layer over an underlying graphics API. The architecture is designed to be roughly in-line with modern thinking about GPU hardware, striking a balance between dominant APIs (like DX11, DX12, OpenGL4, OpenGLES) as well as providing flexibility for future APIs.

Here are some example classes;

This is very similar to the DX11 DeviceContext, and closely tied with the higher level RenderCore::IThreadContext. It is strongly associated with a single CPU thread. And for that thread, it represents the GPU state. Important operations are: "Bind" (which changes the GPU state), and "Draw" (which executes an operation on the GPU.
This represents a fully configured set of shaders, for use with a draw operation. ShaderPrograms can be used with the Assets::GetAsset API, or stored independently. While we can interact with VertexShader and PixelShader objects individually, the ShaderProgram interface is easiest to use across multiple platforms.
This interface allows the CPU to associate resources and constants with the input interface of a shader. This interface uses shader reflection to find the correct shader input slots for resources (so the CPU code is does not have to know them). But querying shader reflection is expensive. So generally BoundUniforms should only be constructed during loading events (or in a background thread), and not every frame.
A ShaderResourceView configures the way a shader will see a part of GPU memory. Typically the GPU memory in question is a texture. ShaderResourceView tells the shader the dimensions of the texture, pixel format, mipmap counts, etc. We call a block of GPU memory a "resource." In modern graphics API designs, resources are mostly opaque. It's the view that determines how we interpret that memory. We can have multiple views per resource – and this is important when we want to be able to different pixel formats for the same memory (or different mipmap settings, etc).

DirectX11 specific code

This namespace is designed to encourage platform-generic coding practices. But it also provides access to allow platform-specific clients. Some effects and methods require special implementations for certain platforms. And some platform concepts are difficult to create truly generic wrappers for.

This is a advantage of the polymorphism method used for RenderCore::Metal. RenderCore::Metal_DX11::DeviceContext and RenderCore::Metal_OpenGLES::DeviceContext are actually unrelated types (they have no common base classes). So we can extend the base functionality with platform specific addition when needed.