XLE contains many self contained project files. Some of these compile into .lib statically linked libraries; and others compile into .dll libraries.
Most projects are self-explanatory. But these may not be clear:
In Visual Studio, add dependencies to the projects you want to use. In some cases you must select which compilation configuration to use. In particular, for the following projects, you must select either OpenGL or DirectX11:
To do this, select either "Debug-OpenGL" or "Debug-DX11" / "Release-OpenGL" or "Release-DX11" in solution configuration dialog.
Note that RenderCore_DX11 always compiles with a "-DX11" configuration, and RenderCore_OpenGLES always compiles with a "-OpenGL" configuration. The one that's not used will not be linked in. But it's handy to compile it, anyway, because it finds compile errors sooner.
XLE uses a standard set of 3 compilation configurations:
Profile and Release both compile with the same compilation settings (optimisations on). But Profile may contain some extra profiling tools built into the code. Generally, we want to use Profile for day-to-day execution on programmer, artists & designer machines. Release should be used for final builds, and for QA builds.
Getting started with a new project. Here are the common initialisation steps for Win32 API-style platform: